estimation jorc de la réserve de basalte

coal resources guidelines

The "Guidelines for the Estimation & Reporting of Australian Black Coal Resources and Reserves" (the Guidelines) are referred to in the JORC Code, which now includes 'Coal' in its main body rather than as an appendix. The processes/procedures outlined in these guidelines are not considered compulsory, but their use is recommended.

JORC : Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves

The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves ( JORC Code, 2004 edition) was incorporated in the Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) on Friday, 17 December 2004, replacing the 1999 edition. The 2004 JORC Code is available here.

JORC : Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves

What is the JORC Code? The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves ('the JORC Code') is a professional code of …

Les carrières

Les carrières prennent la forme d'excavations formant des espaces de 3 m de large environ. L'objet est alors façonné dans la masse puis extrait. Durant le Moyen-Âge et la Période moderne une évolution des outils permet une exploitation plus extensive. Sources : Bessac Jean-Claude, Sablayrolles Robert.

Australia's Estimated Ore Reserves | Australia's Identified …

Figure 1. Ore Reserves attributable to operating mines as a percentage of total Australian Ore Reserves, 2019. Australia's Identified Mineral Resources covers 36 mineral commodities, of which 30 have estimated Ore Reserves and 26 were actually in production in 2019 (Table 2). For many commodities (e.g. bauxite, copper and lead) the majority ...

JORC Code: 2023 Updates

What is the JORC Code? The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves ('the JORC Code') is a professional code of practice that sets minimum ...

JORC : Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves

Summary: An overview of the relationship between the JORC Code (2012 Edition) and the 2014 Edition of the Australian Guidelines for the Estimation and …


IN ACCORDANCE WITH JORC CODE Last year, Metinvest arranged a reassessment of its mineral resources and ore reserves in accordance with the JORC Code. The aim was to provide stakeholders with the most accurate data, as well as help the Group's long-term planning. during the 2010-18 period and other revaluations according to Ukrainian …

Reporting Mineral Resources under the JORC Code

It is essential to use reliable data and robust estimation techniques. 5. External Review. The JORC Code recommends an external review of mineral resource estimates. This means that an independent expert or committee should review and validate the estimation processes and results to ensure their accuracy and reliability. 6. Reporting Mineral ...

Resource & Reserve Estimation | SGS

Acquire resource estimation and classification reports, compliant with NI 43-101, JORC, S-K 1300 and related SAMREC codes When your resource estimation project is completed, SGS can act as your Qualified Person (QP) or Competent Person (CP), preparing your report with accuracy and integrity.

Mastering Mineral Exploration. From Concept to Discovery …

The Role of Reporting Standards in Resource Estimation. Reporting standards like the JORC Code, NI 43-101, and SAMREC play a pivotal role in shaping the resource estimation process within the mining industry. These codes establish a robust framework and best practices that guide the reporting of exploration results, mineral …


The JORC Code applies to any professional responsible for any Public Report of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves for a company listed on the ASX or any other exchange where JORC Code compliance is required. Page 4. Working draft – do not cite or circulate. Draft as at 4/09/13.

Extension de la réserve naturelle de Cerbère-Banyuls

L'urgence de préservation de la biodiversité marine. Après plus de 45 ans d'existence, la Réserve Marine de Cerbère-Banyuls s'est faite connaître et reconnaître tant au niveau national qu'international. Distinguée par de nombres titres (liste verte internationale de l'UICN, prix Glores, Aire Spécialement Protégée d ...

Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation

The highly anticipated second edition of Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation - The AusIMM Guide to Good Practice presents up-to-date procedures to assist all levels of users looking to gain a detailed understanding of the science of Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimation._x000D_ This updated version remains non-prescriptive, supports …

JORC and Mineral Resource Classification Systems

The JORC Code contains a mandatory classification system for Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimates for public reporting. The classification is a statement of the …

Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Reporting in …

The JORC Code is one of the more successful Industry Resource and Reserve reporting codes in the world, it has been the model for other national reporting codes and also for other industry self regulatory codes. The incorporation of the JORC Code into the ASX Listing Rules (as Appendix 5A) in 1989 and the updating of the Code are the major ...

The JORC Code

Code is in normal typeface, guidelines are in indented italics, definitions are in bold. 3 JORC Code, 2012 Edition Foreword 1.ustralasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves The A (the 'JORC Code' or 'the Code') sets out …

Définition | Basalte : composition et caractéristiques

Couleur et apparence : le basalte est généralement de couleur sombre à noire, avec une texture fine à moyenne. Sa surface peut être rugueuse ou lisse en fonction de la rapidité. rapidité ...

Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves

edition (JORC Code), is an internationally recognised professional code of practice which sets minimum standards for the public reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. The key definitions from the JORC Code, which are used in this report, are given below. The JORC Code provides a system for the classification

Définition de basalte | Dictionnaire français

Basalte - Nom commun. (Géologie) Roche magmatique de couleur généralement noire, à texture fine et compacte, constituée majoritairement de minéraux silicates foncés et de verre volcanique. Dix-sept îles, tufs et basalte s en amas pyramidaux ou étrangement déchiquetés, surgissent de la mer ; piliers immenses, elles supportent …

Resource & Reserve Estimation | SGS South Africa

Acquire resource estimation and classification reports, compliant with NI 43-101, JORC, S-K 1300 and related SAMREC codes When your resource estimation project is completed, SGS can act as your Qualified Person (QP) or Competent Person (CP), preparing your report with accuracy and integrity.

Australia's Estimated Ore Reserves | Australia's Identified …

Ore Reserves attributable to operating mines as a percentage of total Australian Ore Reserves, 2021. Australia's Identified Mineral Resources covers 36 mineral commodities, of which 31 have estimated Ore Reserves and 26 were actually in production in 2021 (Table 2). For some commodities (e.g. antimony, magnesite and bauxite) the majority of ...

Basalte | Propriétés, Formation, Composition, Utilisations

Dans l'ensemble, le basalte est un type de roche fascinant avec un large éventail de propriétés et d'applications. Ses caractéristiques uniques en font une roche importante dans divers domaines, notamment la géologie, la construction, la fabrication et le patrimoine culturel. Réservation de groupe: volcanique. Couleur: gris foncé à noir.

basalte latin basaltes altération de basanites du grec …

basalte (latin basaltes, altération de basanites, du grec basanos, pierre de touche ou d'un mot éthiopien ou égyptien bekhen signifiant pierre sombre). Chaussée des Géants, Irlande du Nord Consulter aussi dans le dictionnaire : basalte. Roche volcanique de couleur foncée, de densité voisine de 3 et composée essentiellement de plagioclase et de …

Methods for Ore Reserve and Mineral Resource …

One drill hole would represent 25 x 25 x 5 m = 3,125 m3. At a specific gravity of between 3.0 and 3.1, this block would equal about 10,000 tonnes. Drill core of NQ size has a diameter of 0.048 m ...

JORC/NI-43101 Reporting format and structure in mining …

A JORC/NI-43101 report, which stands for Joint Ore Reserves Committee, is a standardized format used in the mining industry to report mineral resource and ore reserve estimates. The JORC Code is a ...

Reporting standards and the JORC Code

The Australasian Code for Reporting of Identified Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the JORC Code) was released by mining industry organisations in 1989, and was the culmination of many years of ...


by The AusIMM, resulting in the formation of JORC. The AIG became JORC's third parent body in 1992. Between 1972 and 1985, a number of reports were issued by JORC which made recommendations on public reporting and Ore Reserve classification and which gradually developed the principles now incorporated in the JORC Code.

Australia's Estimated Ore Reserves | Australia's Identified …

Figure 1. Ore Reserves attributable to operating mines as a percentage of total Australian Ore Reserves, 2020. Australia's Identified Mineral Resources covers 35 mineral commodities, of which 30 have estimated Ore Reserves and 26 were actually in production in 2020 (Table 2). For some commodities (e.g. antimony, bauxite and magnesite) the ...

The JORC Code 2012 Edition Australasian Code for …

Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves The JORC Code 2012 Edition Effective 20 December 2012 and mandatory from 1 December 2013 Prepared by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Minerals …


estimation of a JORC resource. The Exploration Target has been prepared in accordance with the JORC Code (2012). Table 1: Mt Sholl Mineral Resource Estimate by classification reported above a 0.35% Ni_Eq cut-off for open pit resources and at 0.5% Ni_Eq for underground resources Classification Tonnes Mt Ni % Cu % Co ppm 3E1 ...

Caractérisation fractale de la porosité d'un basalte altéré

Section snippets Matériel et méthodes. Sur un profil d'altération développé sur basalte alcalin quaternaire [5] de la région d'Ifrane au Maroc, une boule d'altération de taille métrique a été échantillonnée et étudiée (figure 1).Celle-ci est formée d'un cœur de basalte sain (échantillon 1), entouré d'écailles dures moyennement altérées et de …


by The AusIMM, resulting in the formation of JORC. The AIG became JORC's third parent body in 1992. Between 1972 and 1985, a number of reports were issued by JORC …

Uncertainty assessment of spatial domain models in

JORC, 2012 does not stipulate how uncertainty assessment is to be carried out. The Competent Person ensures that appropriate methods and techniques are employed. This is particularly important when reporting uncertainty for the Resource Estimation Phase (Fig. 1), particularly in the early stage mining projects, where data …

L'histoire du basalte

Le basalte est la roche volcanique sombre et lourde qui constitue la majeure partie de la croûte océanique mondiale. Certaines d'entre elles éclatent également sur terre, mais en première approximation, le basalte est une roche océanique. Comparé au granite familier des continents, le basalte ("ba-SALT") est plus foncé, plus dense et à ...

The JORC Code

28. An 'Ore Reserve' is the economically mineable part … 29. A 'Probable Ore Reserve' is the economically … 30. A 'Proved Ore Reserve' is the economically … 31. The choice of the appropriate category of Ore … 32. Ore Reserve estimates are not precise calculations … 33. Public Reports of Ore Reserves must specify one or … 34.