exploitation minière galamsey au ghana

Exploring the power of the media in promoting lifelong …

Author: Isaac Kofi Biney University of Ghana. Edition: Volume 59, Number 3, November 2019. Introduction: This paper explores the power of media in promoting lifelong learning in mobilising the citizenry against 'galamsey' activities in Ghana.'Galamsey' connotes 'an illegal process of gathering mineral resources, especially gold, and selling …

The footprints of galamsey in Ghana: The Western …

Project documenting illegal gold mining or 'galamsey' operations in the Western Region of Ghana and their environmental impacts. Researchers also outline a costed strategy for reclaiming and …

Gold Over Forest: A Surge in Illegal Mining in Ghana

A report by the World Resource Institute shows that Ghana is losing its forests at a 60% rate, faster than any country in the world. Today, illegal mining is one of the largest causes of forest destruction in Ghana. Relatively small-scale mining has existed in Ghana long before an influx of over 50,0000 Chinese immigrants moved to Ghana in …

Au Ghana, l'exploitation minière illégale menace la filière …

"Jusqu'à présent, les terres perdues à cause de l'exploitation minière illégale représentent 2% de la surface totale de culture du cacao au Ghana. Nous ne pouvons plus permettre que cela ...

(PDF) Impacts of Illegal Mining (Galamsey) on the Environment (Water

Mineral exploitation generally results in some kind of environmental damage (Tom-Dery et al., 2012); however, the activities of surface illegal mining ("galamsey" operators) are noted to pose massive threat to the environment than …

Osman Alhassan and Richard Asante

Alhassan O. & Asante R. / Addressing Conflicts over Resource Use in Ghana 54 conflits entre l'État et les personnes impliquées dans l'exploitation minière illégale à petite échelle, connue sous le nom de galamsey. S'appuyant sur la …

Effects of galamsey on democracy and …

In Ghana, it is estimated that two to three million people are engaged in this activity; about 170,000 are directly or indirectly into illegal mining (galamsey) as they solely depend on it for their livelihoods.The …

Perceptions of the Drivers and Effects of Galamsey in Ghana

Gold has been one of the most important minerals in human history and has played an integral role in the economies of and societies of many cultures, particularly in the West African nation of Ghana. While legal gold mining is one of the prominent industries, illegal Artisanal Small-Scale gold mining, referred to as galamsey, has seen an increase in …

Galamsey menace: Causes, effects and solutions

The high incidence of "galamsey" or illegal mining in recent times, have been on several discussions and heated debates for some time now and has perplexed the minds of the general public in Ghana.

Galamsey: It's impacts on health and the environment; the

Most surveys conducted in Ghana show clearly that women and children outnumber men who engage in galamsey activities. This therefore exposes the most vulnerable of the country to severe health risk.

Women In International policybrief

Galamsey in Ghana: Mitigating its Negative Effects By Felicia Dede Addy and Shikshya Adhikari G hana is one of the biggest producers of gold in Africa and the world.1 Gold contributes significantly to Ghana's economy, and small-scale mining—an important means of income for many low-income Ghanaian s—produces about 30

Une fraternité catholique demande la fin de l'exploitation minière

Lors d'un événement de plantation d'arbres dans une paroisse ghanéenne, la direction d'une société catholique a exhorté les citoyens de la nation ouest-africaine à soutenir pleinement le gouvernement dans sa quête pour mettre un terme aux activités minières illégales dans le pays.

Ghana's Illegal Galamsey Gold Mining Affecting Cocoa …

This statement was made at the presidency of the Republic of Ghana on the back of several unsuccessful attempts by successive governments to fight Galamsey …

Making visible the galamsey scandals in Ghana: Digital …

The latter is the new galamsey in Ghana, undertaken by a power-elite cartel that uses its political influence to ravage the environment in its gluttonous quest for gold. Truly artisanal, the subaltern classes use rudimentary tools to mine and process gold, mostly by digging and washing (McQuilken and Hilson, 2016: 15).

Ghana : les mines illégales menacent les forêts, selon Accra

L'industrie minière au Ghana implique à la fois de gros acteurs mondiaux mais aussi des activités minières artisanales, dont de nombreuses illégales. Depuis son entrée en fonction en 2017, le président ghanéen Nana Akufo-Addo a promis de débarrasser le pays du "galamsey", nom donné par les locaux à ces mines illégales où …

The Galamsey Menace in Ghana: A Political Problem …

the galamsey menace in Ghana, and suggests that any anti-galamsey crusade that fails to tackle the political drivers of the problem is unlikely to succeed. Three key political issues are especially crucial in this regard: the nature of electioneering campaigns, the network of powerful actors engaged in this phenomenon and the

Galamsey Fight in Ghana: An Analysis of Failure …

This paper, therefore, analyses the failure of government/military interventions aimed at fighting illegal gold mining in Ghana since 1989. To achieve the objective of the study, the qualitative ...

Galamsey: The menace destroying Ghana | Pulse Ghana

Illegal mining, commonly known as "Galamsey," has been a significant issue in Ghana over the last decade. It has caused the country environmental degradation, social problems, and economic challenges.

Criminalization of "galamsey" and livelihoods in Ghana: …

Drawing from primary data collected during fieldwork in Ghana, this study examined the livelihood implications of the ban on galamsey in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality in South-Western Ghana from the perspectives of local communities and other key stakeholders. The study reveals that the ban on galamsey has imposed significant socio-economic ...

Economics, policy, politics of fight against galamsey

The state's policy approach. In tracing the state's policy approach in the fight against galamsey, it appears that regularisation has been central (Small Scale Gold Mining Law, PNDCL 218 ...

Galamsey Fight in Ghana: An Analysis of Failure of …

Abstract. Illegal gold mining (galamsey) continues to be a threat to forest and water resources in Ghana. Even though galamsey is not new in Ghana, the use of heavy machines such as excavators and ...

(PDF) Causes and Effects of Illegal Gold Mining (Galamsey) Activities

Causes and Effects of Illegal Gold Mining (Galamsey) Activities on School Dropout and Residents at the Tutuka Central Circuit in Obuasi Municipality in Ashanti Region, Ghana April 2020 Journal of ...

Galamsey in Ghana: A policy impasse?

One of the most significant policy challenges in Ghana today revolves around the question of how to address illegal small-scale mining, popularly known as galamsey. The topic is politically sensitive in Ghana where the practice accounts for an estimated 60% of the country's total mining labour force and supports millions of …

Galamsey : exploitation...

Galamsey : exploitation minière frauduleuse de l'or au Ghana. https://youtu.be/qJ9h31JEdaU

Spatial distribution patterns of illegal artisanal small scale …

Recently, there have been efforts by stakeholders to monitor illegal mining ( galamsey) activities, foster their formalization and reclaim the many abandoned …

The footprints of galamsey in Ghana: The …

Researchers also outline a costed strategy for reclaiming and closing various galamsey operations. Findings estimate $250 million is required to reclaim lands and water bodies affected by galamsey …

How should Ghana manage the Galamsey crisis?

Individuals that fall under the galamsey category should be encouraged to form cooperatives in local communities and be trained in environmentally safe and responsible ways of mining. Ghana's ...

After five years of sustained action : Galamsey fight far from …

Galamsey affects education Apart from the destruction of land and water resources, the DCE for Amansie Central, Michael Donkor, said the galamsey menace had negatively impacted on education in the ...

The threat of Galamsey to the cocoa industry in Ghana

Galamsey activities go beyond simple mining; they also have adverse effects on the environment and cocoa production. These illicit operations have not only polluted …

Impact of galamsey operations on agricultural land and …

Galamsey operations are tremendously undermining the lands and endangering the livelihoods of farmers and as a result, the general aim of the study was to assess the impact of galamsey operations on agricultural lands and livelihoods of farmers in

The Economics, Policy and Politics of the Fight against Galamsey

The Economics of Galamsey. During my doctoral dissertation research work some twelve years ago on the political economy of resource governance in Ghana, I learned quite a bit about galamsey. I was quite struck by the personal risks to those involved including the possibility of death.

Criminalization of "galamsey" and livelihoods in Ghana: …

We focused on the unregistered (galamsey) sector because it has become the most frowned upon, vilified, and criminalized activity in Ghana's mining landscape in recent times (Tuokuu et al., 2020 ...

Le Ghana se dote d'une nouvelle stratégie pour régler le …

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The Illegal Artisanal and Small-scale mining (Galamsey) 'Menace…

The Illegal Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (Galamsey) 'Menace' in Ghana: Is a Military-Style Approach the Answer? The artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector accounts for approximately 31 percent of the total gold production in Ghana and plays a significant role in the economic development of the country. However, the …

The outbreak of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (galamsey …

This paper focuses on the outbreak of illegal mining (galamsey) operations in Ghana in recent times claiming that the outbreak is accompanied by massive environmental destruction including ...

Ghana's battle against illegal mining: A call for sustainable …

Illegal mining in Ghana. In the lush landscapes of Ghana, illegal mining, popularly known as galamsey, has cast a dark shadow over the nation's development. It …